Good night, sleep tight. Don’t let the bed bugs bite! You’ve probably heard this expression countless times without ever giving bed bugs a second consideration. That is, until you one day discover them in your bed.
If these disgusting little creatures invade your home, it can be quite frustrating and painful. Regardless of what you might believe, bed bugs are actually more prevalent. They can be removed relatively easily and are fairly simple to handle.
This article will concentrate on common ways we get bed bugs and how to get rid of bed bugs.
What are bed bugs attracted to
The main bed bug attractants are human blood, carbon dioxide exhaled from our bodies, and body heat. Regardless of your clothes or the room’s temperature, your body temperature will expose you.
Dark bed sheets are attractive to bed bugs. They enjoy different hues at different times in their lives, but they gravitate toward things that are red and black. Darker colors allow them to blend in and offer greater shelter.
See: Where Do Bed Bugs Come From
It’s essential to keep your clothes off the floor as much as you can. Bed bugs are attracted to unclean laundry as it smells like a potential host.
What do bed bugs look like
Bed bugs are tiny insects that are about the size of an apple seed, they have six little legs, a tiny pinhead, and a couple of antennae. In most cases, they are flattened oval unless they’ve recently had a blood feast after which they become elongated and gorged in fat.
If you are getting bit at night and can’t decide whether it’s fleas or bed bugs then take a look around your bed because that’s where you will find the evidence of bed bugs.
What do bed bug bites look like
Bed bug bites can cause a range of reactions, from no visible symptoms to severe skin irritation. The bites are usually grouped together in a line or cluster, and they often appear on areas of the body that are exposed while sleeping, such as the arms, legs, neck, and face.
Some people may experience an allergic reaction to bed bug bites, which can cause more severe symptoms like swelling, blisters, and difficulty breathing.
How common are bed bugs
Actually, according to PestWorld.org, 20% of Americans either personally experience bed bug infestations or know someone who has. In other words, outbreaks of bed bugs are very common, but they are also very irritating and stressful.
What is the most common way to get bed bugs
Contrary to popular belief, bed bugs almost never had anything to do with cleanliness. No matter how well-kept you are, a flawless home can nonetheless have an intense bed bug infestation. Bed insect infestations are practically a homeowner’s worst fear.
This particular pest issue cannot be sugar coated because it can be quite challenging to eradicate this species.
It’s frequently very difficult to pinpoint the precise location where you acquired bed bugs. These minuscule pests can enter your home on every object, person, or animal that enters, regardless of whether you are aware of the indicators and carefully check for them.
1. Used furniture/rental furniture
The popularity of used furniture is another frequent reason for bed bugs. When a piece of furniture with bed bugs is brought into a business, bed bugs are frequently transferred to the building.
Bed bugs like to wait for a potential new host/parasite residing behind the seams of couches, beds, and textile materials, where they can easily conceal themselves.
Additionally, if the furniture is rented to a house where bed bugs are prevalent and is returned without being fully inspected before being rented out once more, this might also be the cause.
Bed bugs are not easily eliminated by just separating an afflicted furniture item since they can live for several months without the need for a blood meal.
2. Travel
One of the most common ways people introduce pests into their homes is through travel. These tiny pests can readily take up residence in your things, such as purses, suitcases, and baggage if you stay in an infested hotel room or cruise ship.
These little pests can easily accompany you home because they are frequently discovered in hotel rooms. Don’t panic if you only find one or two-bed bugs in your luggage, but deal with them right away.
3. Schools & Colleges
Schools, colleges, and even daycare facilities are another route taken by bed bugs to spread throughout a community.
Since these insects spread so quickly through clothing and other textiles, your kids may unintentionally bring them home from school or when they return from college on break. Your child may sleep on the chair or burrow into bed after they get home, which will spread an infestation..
4. Visiting a friend suffering from bed bug infestation/ working in an infested workplace
Bed bugs can only appear if someone in the residence has contact with areas that are already contaminated, whether deliberately or inadvertently.
You might be unsure of what to do if your friend does indeed have bed bugs. It makes sense that the thought of this would make you feel uneasy and somewhat frightened. After all, one of the most problematic and traumatic pests to deal with is bed bugs. Without a doubt, you wouldn’t want the bugs to get onto you.
Practically speaking, you may get bed bugs from an infected office or straight from a person whose house has them. Meanwhile, it doesn’t happen very often.
5. Moving into a bed bug infested building.
Prior to relocating, inquire with your landlord about how they discovered and dealt with earlier infestations in the building.
It’s crucial to discuss this with your possible building manager because the complete removal of an infestation is seldom accomplished without skilled and prompt building management.
Landlords are obligated in some areas to reveal a property’s bed bug history, but the majority of tenants are left to do their own research.
Getting rid of bed bugs at home
- The majority of bed bug infestations need to be treated by a pest control specialist because getting rid of bed bugs is a difficult operation.
- Wash curtains, clothing, bedding, and other items in hot water. After that, dry them for at least 30 minutes in a hot drier.
- Brush the seams of the mattress with a stiff brush to get rid of bedbugs and their eggs.
- To reduce the number of bed bugs in your home, thoroughly vacuum all rugs, floors, furniture, beds, and cracks and crevices.
- Use a bed bug mattress cover to protect your mattress. Since bed bugs may go up to a year without eating, keep this on for at least a year.
- To reduce the areas where bed bugs can hide, patch up wall cracks or plaster, and glue down wallpaper that is peeling.
- Remove any clutter from the area around the bed.
The presence of bed bugs can be exceedingly irritating. They won’t make you sick, but you can get a lot of itchy, red bites. However, there are steps you can do to stop bed bugs from following you, don’t mix up other people’s belongings with your own.
Consider putting your possessions in a plastic container if bed bugs are a known issue at your workplace or school, check your clothing and luggage when you travel, and clear your room of any mounds of clothing where they can hide.