These creatures emerge from hiding and aggressively attack you when you fall asleep. They continually nip at you. You won’t notice their operation until the next day because the hollow tubes they use to rip apart your skin and drain your blood are filled with a potent, transient anesthetic. And this leaves you to looking for how to get rid of bed bugs at home.
These are bed bugs; they don’t care who they bite. Fortunately, we have a variety of highly efficient home treatments for bed bugs, so you may put an end to their presence permanently.
Signs you have a bed bug infestation at home
- Bites – frequently on exposed flesh, such as the face, neck, and arms when sleeping. Click here to see what a bed bug bite looks like.
- Blood stains on your mattress, either from bed bug bites or from squishing them.
- Mottled skin
- Small brown stains on furniture or bedding (bed bug poop)
- Bites from bedbugs typically appear red on white skin. They may seem purple and be more difficult to discern on those with black or brown skin.
The bites can cause a reaction in certain persons. They could itch intensely and swell painfully. Additionally, though uncommon, a severe allergic reaction (anaphylaxis) could occur.
Why are bed bugs attracted to your home
Carbon dioxide
Because of the high release of carbon dioxide caused by breathing, bed bugs are most active at night. This is because it is most alluring to them after midnight.
Unwashed or dirty laundry
Bed bugs are drawn to soiled, worn-out, or unwashed clothing. This is due to the fact that your clothing gives off a mouthwatering scent that attracts people and makes them want to wear it.
Humidity or Warmth
Home walls are cozy, and if there is any moisture or dampness, our homes turn into a cozy haven for them. It serves the same purpose for them to consume both human and animal blood. Our bodies are always heated, therefore we prepare a meal for them.
Bedding that is dark in color
Bed bugs prefer shadows because they can hide and blend in well. Therefore, if your home has a serious infestation of bed bugs and other insects but you prefer dark hues of bedding and linen, you must switch to light or white-colored bedding.
Getting rid of bed bugs at home
Are there any home cures for bed bugs? In most cases, you should leave your bed insect issue to the professionals. However, this does not preclude you from acting independently while you wait for the bed bug exterminator to show up. Here are a few actions you can take to perhaps lessen the bedbug population in your house.
1. Locate the problem areas
Considering how quickly they multiply, bed bugs must be detected as early as possible. As a result, keep an eye out for signs of bed bugs in the following areas:
- Your mattresses and your box springs seams.
- Between the headboard and the bed frame, where there are cracks.
- Where the carpet meets the wall in your home, along the carpet seam.
- Furniture pieces like couches, armchairs, and futons have joints in them.
You should also inspect your nightstand, dresser drawers, and closet if you notice any indications of bedbugs in any of these locations.
2. Wash infested fabrics, linens, and bed sheets in hot water
Washing infested fabrics and linens are one of the essential steps you must take if your house exhibits bed bug signs.
To accomplish this, start washing your things in hot water while keeping in mind that heat effectively kills bed bugs. Your clothing, bedding, towels, pet beds, and plush animals must all be cleaned of bed bugs.
Everything made of cloth should be machine-washed on high heat. Then, dry them with your dryer’s highest heat setting. If you don’t want to wash anything, like shoes, you might dry it for 30 minutes in the dryer.
3. Declutter your home
Bed bugs may survive anywhere there is trash. You must therefore thoroughly declutter your home in order to get rid of them.
Cold, dry environments are ideal for bed bug reproduction. As a result, you need to locate the potential breeding grounds in your home.
Go through the boxes in your closet and under your bed to get rid of everything you don’t need. It’s a good idea to organize your clothing, kitchenware, magazines, books, and apparel.
4. Use a desiccant or an insecticide.
Two pesticides that are frequently used to control bed bugs are pyrethrins and pyrethroids. These fast-acting insecticides are generally safe for use on people and pets.
They also only need a small quantity to work against insects. The fact that some bed bugs are resistant to these treatments is a drawback.
In that case, a different pesticide, such as neonicotinoids, which are artificial counterparts of nicotine, or pyrroles, like chlorfenapyr, may be necessary. Or, similarly to diatomaceous earth, it takes time for the bugs and their eggs to die by just crawling over it. Here’s a list of the best Insecticide for bed bugs.
5. Use steam or heat treatment
If you can expose bed bugs to high heat, they might die. Thus, ironing or steam washing bed sheets may be helpful. To ensure that it is possible without harming the object, read the label first.
The only insects that this works on are those that are located in warm regions. The majority of their hiding places are challenging to steam clean or iron.
The takeaway on how to get rid of bed bugs at home
Each of the methods mentioned above is a reliable and efficient technique to get rid of bed bugs permanently. However, if you really want to eradicate bed insect issues from your property and put them behind you, professional bed bug control from pest control experts should be considered.
Experts in pest control employ a variety of cutting-edge methods to ensure that all bed bugs perish or are permanently eradicated from your home. Professionals are aware of these bugs’ tenacity as well as any potential for pesticide resistance. You need a skilled professional to rapidly detect the pests and discover indicators of infestation-if you want to help get rid of bed bugs. You may have to take a look at the best exterminators for bed bugs and roaches.